High Fives & Fist Bumps

Can you give a high five or a fist bump?  Then we have a great opportunity for you to get involved at the Ranch.  

On Wednesday, February 12th, several parents & staff members will be gathering at the entrances of RBV to give our students some encouragement as they start the day!  We will be there from about 7:45-8:45 am. 

If you would like to join us, please register on this High Fives & Fist Bumps FORM.  You must be registered to participate in this new program. 

Reflections Art Contest 2024-2025

Congratulations to our 2 artist who entered the RBV Reflections Art Contest.  The Visual Art & Music Competition was created around the theme "Accepting Imperfections".  Click HERE  to see more RBV Artwork.

Look for next year's theme starting in June!  Email any questions to RBVReflections@gmail.com 

If you were unable to join us in person for How to RBV, 

you can still access the information by clicking on our 

Support PTSA Become a Member!

 Membership is open to all Parents, Teachers, & Students of Rancho Buena Vista High School and the surrounding community.  

Welcome! From your 2024/2025 PTSA Executive Board:

Nichole Merrill, President - Nancy Mauleon, Secretary - Aimee Sisson, 

Treasurer - Beau Hayes, Historian - Kristin Sedgwick, Parlimentarian

Still available! 2024/2025 PTSA open board positions 

Hospitality/Staff Appreciations

Senior Scholarship

Scholarship applications are closed. Seniors, look for information in the spring on how to apply in 2025.

Graduation Lei Sales

Graduation Lei Sales will begin in Spring 2025.  Families, check back for pricing & purchasing.


The discounts and offers you get from our Member Perks program are some of the best benefits of being a PTA member. They are especially relevant during this difficult period, because they can help families who are trying to stay afloat financially and stay connected to schools, friends and family. 

Find out more

 Join Our Email List

Sign up to hear about upcoming events, fundraisers, and registration dates.

Email us at rbvptsavc@gmail.com with any questions you have.